Article 7 In the method prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (1)) Article 8 In the method prescribed in paragraph (1) of the preceding article (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12, paragraph (1)), the documents to be presented or sent by a Specified Business Operator shall be any of the documents specified in the following items for the categories listed in the respective items. (i) Identity Confirmation Documents prescribed in item (i) (excluding the certificate of seal registration pertaining to the seal affixed by the customer, etc. to the documents pertaining to the application for or acceptance of the Specified Transactions, etc.); and (ii) Identification documents prescribed in item (i)(b) and (e) and item (ii)(b) with a valid period or expiration date, and identification documents prescribed in item (iv), which are valid as of the date on which they are presented or sent by the Specified Business Operator, and other identification documents, which are valid as of the date on which they are presented or sent by the Specified Business Operator. (i) Natural persons (limited to those who are not a natural person (excluding those set forth in item (iii) and item (iv))
(i) Natural persons (excluding those listed in items (iii) and (iv)) Any of the following documents
(a) Driver’s license, etc. (a driver’s license prescribed in Article 92, paragraph 1 of the Road Traffic Act (Act No. 105 of 1960) and a driving record certificate prescribed in Article 104-4, paragraph 5 of the same Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis under Article 105, paragraph 2 of the same Act). (meaning a driving record certificate prescribed in Article 104-4, paragraph 5 of the same Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 105, paragraph 2 of the same Act)) (iii) The residence card prescribed in Article 19-3 of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, the special permanent resident certificate prescribed in Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Provisions Concerning Immigration Control for Persons, etc. who have Renounced Japanese Nationality under the Treaty of Peace with Japan (Act No. 71 of 1991), and the number used to identify a specific individual in administrative procedures (2) The personal identification number card prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (7) of the Act on the Utilization of the Number to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures, etc., the passport, etc. prescribed in paragraph (1), item (ii) of the preceding Article (in this case, the term “said customer, etc.” in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with “said natural person”) (a) A personal number card, a passport, etc. prescribed in paragraph (1), item (ii) of the preceding Article (in this case, “said customer, etc.” in the same item shall be deemed to be replaced with “said natural person”) or a certificate of landing permission for ship tourism, or a physical disability certificate, mental disability health welfare certificate, medical care booklet or war injury and sickness certificate (limited to those which contain the name, residence and date of birth of said natural person)
(b) In addition to those listed in (a) above, a document issued or issued by a government or municipal office or other similar document that contains the name, residence, and date of birth of the natural person concerned and to which the government or municipal office has affixed a photograph of the natural person concerned
(c) National health insurance, health insurance, seamen’s insurance, late-stage medical care for the elderly or long-term care insurance, health insurance day worker’s special health insurance certificate, membership card of national public officers’ mutual aid association or local public officers’ mutual aid association, membership card of private school teachers’ mutual aid system, child support allowance certificate, special child support allowance certificate or maternal and child health handbook ( (limited to one that includes the name, residence, and date of birth of the natural person concerned) (d) A certificate of seal registration pertaining to a seal affixed by the customer, etc. to a document pertaining to an application for or acceptance of the Specified Transactions, etc. or a document pertaining to an application for or acceptance of the Specified Transactions, etc.
(d) A certificate of seal registration (excluding those listed in (c)) (d) A copy or extract of a family register (limited to one to which a copy of the supplementary copy of the family register is attached) (d) A copy of a certificate of residence or a certificate of matters stated in a certificate of residence (a document certifying the name, address, and other matters in the basic resident register of the head of a local public entity)
(e) In addition to those listed in (a) through (d) above, documents issued or issued by public offices or other similar documents that contain the name, residence, and date of birth of the natural person concerned (documents issued by the National Public Safety Commission, Casino Control Commission, Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister of Justice, Minister of Finance, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).
(iii) A customer, etc., who is a juridical person, by any of the following methods
(a) Receiving from the Representative of the juridical person, etc. the presentation of identification documents specified in item (ii) or (iv) of the following Article
(b) Receiving a report of the name and the location of the head office or principal office of the Customer, etc. from the Representative of the juridical person, and receiving registration information (meaning registration information prescribed in Article 2(1) of the Act on Provision of Registration Information through Telecommunication Lines (Act No. 226 of 1999)) from a designated juridical person prescribed in Article 3(2) of the said Act. The same shall apply hereinafter). (c) Receiving a report from a representative person, etc. of the juridical person (limited to a representative person, etc. of a juridical person who is not registered as an officer authorized to represent the said customer, etc.) by sending the transaction-related document by registered mail, etc. as a forwarding-free mail, etc.)
(c) Receiving a report on the name and the location of the head office or principal office of the Customer, etc. from the representative person, etc. of the juridical person, as well as the name and the location of the head office or principal office of the Customer, etc. that have been made public pursuant to Article 39, paragraph 4 of the Act on the Use of Identification Number to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures (hereinafter referred to as the “Public Matters”) (hereinafter referred to as “publicly announced matters”) (d) Confirming the name and address of the head office or principal office of the customer, etc. (when receiving a report without meeting the representative, etc. of the juridical person, by sending a transaction-related document by registered mail, etc., by way of forwarderless mail, etc., addressed to the head office, etc. of the customer, etc., in addition to said method
(d) By receiving from the Representative of the juridical person, etc. the identification documents specified in item (ii) or (iv) of the following Article or a copy thereof, and sending the transaction-related documents by registered mail, etc., by which the forwarding is not required, to the head office, etc. of the Customer, etc. stated in the identification documents or the copy thereof.
(e) Receiving from the Representative of the juridical person, etc. an electronic certificate prepared by the registrar pursuant to the provisions of Article 12-2, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of the Commercial Registration Act (Act No. 125 of 1963) and information on the specified transactions, etc. for which an electronic signature prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Electronic Signature Act has been executed, which is confirmed by said electronic certificate Method