一 信託の登記 1 法第98条第1項の権利の移転(仮訳)委託者及び受託者(2人)の共同申請により受託者への所有権移転の登記と同時にする信託の登記。家族信託で利用できるのかは不明。

第十二 信託に関する登記
一 信託の登記
1 法第98条第1項の権利の移転(仮訳)

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇〇〇―〇         全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters (土地):The land
表題部:The heading section
(土地の表示):The description of the land 調整
:The prepared 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
:The prepared date 不動産番号
:The real property number 12345567890123
:The map number A11―1 筆界特定
: The parcel boundary demarcation       余白:The blank
:The location 〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇  余白: The blank
①地 番
:The parcel number
②地 目
:The land category
(current state of the Land) ③地  積 ㎡
:The parcel area (area of the Land) 原因及びその日付
:The cause for recording and date thereof
【登記の日付】:The recording date

9999番3 宅地
:The presidential land 100 00
:100.00㎡ ①9999番1から分筆
:Subdivision of the Parcel Number.9999-1
所有者: The owner
〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号 〇〇 〇〇: The name and address of Owner

 権 利 部(甲区): The rights section (The section A)        (所有権に関する事項): Matters concerning the owner
:The rank number 登記の目的
:The purpose of recording 受付年月日・受付番号
:The recording date and number 【権利者その他の事項】
:The holder of rights and other particulars

:The preservation of ownership
第〇〇〇〇号 所有者: The name and address of Owner
〇〇 〇〇
2 所有権移転(合有)
: Transfer of ownership (The joint tenancy) 原因: When and for what cause ownership was acquired
平成〇〇年〇月〇日信託: The trust date

受託者 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号:
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the trustee.

受託者 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号:
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the trustee.

:The trust 余白: The blank 信託目録第何号
:The inventory of trust number

The underlines indicate delated matters. The filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                  1/3

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇〇〇―〇             全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters (土地):The land
信託目録:The inventory of trust 調整: The prepared  余白:The blank
: The number 受付年月日・受付番号
: The recording date and number 予備:The preparation
: The number 1 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
第〇〇〇〇号 余白:The blank
1 委託者に関する事項
 :1 Matters concerning the settlor 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the settlor.
2 受託者に関する事項
:2 Matters concerning
the trustee 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the trustee.

〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the trustee.
3 受益者に関する事項等
: 3 Matters concerning
the beneficiary 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the beneficiary’s agent.
4 信託条項
:4 Trust clause 1、信託の目的: The purpose of trust
: maintain the real property of the trust
use the real property of the trust
dispose the real property of the trust

:the procedure to maintain the real property of the trust
the procedure to use the real property of the trust
the procedure to dispose the real property of the trust


: (1) The trustee may dispose the real property of the trust when he the beneficiary’s agent agree to disposition. Also, the trustee may choose dispose the real property of the trust when he/she accept dispose the real property of the trust.


: The trustee may set mortgage and registry of the mortgage in the real property of the trust in the following case (ア、イ、ウ) when the beneficiary’s agent agree to it.

ア 信託不動産のためにする金銭の借入れのために、受益者または受託者を債務者とする場合
: The obligor, who is the trustee, loan money the real property of the trust.

イ 受益者が本信託設定以前において、信託不動産のために負担していた債務を担保するため、受益者を債務者とする場合。
: The obligor , who is the beneficiary, secure the obligation for the real property of the trust

ウ 信託費用が欠ける場合、信託費用等を補填するためにする金銭の借入のため、受託者を債務者とする場合。
: The obligor, who is trustee, loan for the cost of the trust.

3、信託の終了 : Termination of the trust.

: The grounds for termination of the trust are the following.

: (1) If the trustee and the beneficiary’s agent agree to termination of the trust, the trust terminates.

: (2) If the grounds in the trust act occur, the trust terminates.

4、信託の変更 : Modification of the trust.
: The trust may modify when the trustee and the beneficiary’s agent agree to the modification.

5、清算手続の終了 : Termination of liquidation procedure of the trust.

: The liquidation procedure in the trust by the trustee terminates when the trustee deliver over the all asset of the trust with all claim and obligation to the holder of vested right of the residual asset.

6、残余財産の帰属権利者 : The holder of vested right of the residual asset

: The holder of vested right of the residual asset in the trust is the last beneficiary.

: This document evidences all of the entries made in the registry.

(〇〇地方法務局管轄)〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau

〇〇年〇〇月〇〇日 Date
〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau   登記官 〇〇  Registrar’s name: 〇〇

Underlines indicate delated matters. Filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                   3/3


「信託目録の理論と実務」渋谷陽一郎 (株)民事法研究会
「改訂版 信託登記の実務」信託登記実務研究会 日本加除出版(株)


一 信託の登記 1 法第98条第1項の権利の移転(仮訳)委託者の所有する土地を、信託財産とする家族信託契約により、不動産の所有権を受託者に移転するとともに、信託の登記をする場合。

第十二 信託に関する登記
一 信託の登記
1 法第98条第1項の権利の移転(仮訳)


「信託目録の理論と実務」渋谷陽一郎 (株)民事法研究会
「改訂版 信託登記の実務」信託登記実務研究会 日本加除出版(株)


〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇〇〇―〇         全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters. (土地):The land.
表題部:The heading section.
(土地の表示):The description of the land. 調整
: The prepared. 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
: The prepared date. 不動産番号
: The real property number. 12345567890123
: The map number. A11―1 筆界特定
: The parcel boundary demarcation.       余白:The blank.
: The location. 〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇  余白: The blank
①地 番
: The parcel number.
②地 目
:The land category
(current state of the Land) ③地  積 ㎡
:The parcel area (area of the Land) 原因及びその日付
: The cause for recording and date thereof.
【登記の日付】:The recording date.
9999番3 宅地
: The presidential land. 100 00
:100.00㎡ ①9999番1から分筆
: Subdivision of the Parcel Number.9999-1.
所有者: The owner.
〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号 〇〇 〇〇: The name and address of Owner.

 権 利 部(甲区): The rights section (The section A).        (所有権に関する事項): Matters concerning the owner.
: The rank number. 登記の目的
: The purpose of recording. 受付年月日・受付番号
: The recording date and number. 【権利者その他の事項】
: The holder of rights and other particulars.

: The preservation of ownership.
第〇〇〇〇号 所有者: The name and address of Owner.
〇〇 〇〇
2 所有権移転
: Transfer of ownership. 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
第〇〇〇〇号 原因: When and for what cause ownership was acquired.
平成〇〇年〇月〇日信託: The trust date.

〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of owner.
:The trust. 余白: The blank. 信託目録第何号
: The inventory of trust number.

The underlines indicate delated matters. The filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                  

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇〇〇―〇             全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters. (土地):The land.
信託目録:The inventory of trust. 調整: The prepared.  余白:The blank.
: The number. 受付年月日・受付番号
: The recording date and number. 予備:The preparation.
: The number 1. 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
第〇〇〇〇号 余白:The blank.
1 委託者に関する事項
 : 1 Matters concerning the settlor. 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the settlor.
2 受託者に関する事項
:2 Matters concerning
the trustee. 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the trustee.
3 受益者に関する事項等
: 3 Matters concerning
the beneficiary. 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the beneficiary.
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the beneficiary’s agent.
4 信託条項
: 4 Trust clause. 1、信託の目的: The purpose of trust
: maintain the real property of the trust
use the real property of the trust
dispose the real property of the trust

:the procedure to maintain the real property of the trust
the procedure to use the real property of the trust
the procedure to dispose the real property of the trust


: (1) The trustee may dispose the real property of the trust when he beneficiary or the beneficiary’s agent agree to disposition. Also, the trustee may choose dispose the real property of the trust when he/she accept dispose the real property of the trust.


: The trustee may set mortgage and registry of the mortgage in the real property of the trust in the following case (ア、イ、ウ) when the beneficiary or the beneficiary’s agent agree to it.

ア 信託不動産のためにする金銭の借入れのために、受益者または受託者を債務者とする場合
: The obligor, who is the beneficiary or trustee, loan money the real property of the trust.

イ 受益者が本信託設定以前において、信託不動産のために負担していた債務を担保するため、受益者を債務者とする場合。
: The obligor , who is the beneficiary, secure the obligation for the real property of the trust

ウ 信託費用が欠ける場合、信託費用等を補填するためにする金銭の借入のため、受託者を債務者とする場合。
: The obligor, who is trustee, loan for the cost of the trust.

4、信託の変更 : Modification of the trust.
: The trust may modify when the trustee and the beneficiary (or the beneficiary’s agent) agree to the modification.

5、信託の終了 : Termination of the trust.

: The grounds for termination of the trust are the following.

: (1) If the trustee and the beneficiary (or the beneficiary’s agent) agree to termination of the trust, the trust terminates.

: (2) If the grounds in the trust act occur, the trust terminates.

6、残余財産の帰属権利者 : The holder of vested right of the residual asset

: The holder of vested right of the residual asset in the trust is the last beneficiary.

7、清算手続の終了 : Termination of liquidation procedure of the trust.

: The liquidation procedure in the trust by the trustee terminates when the trustee deliver over the all asset of the trust with all claim and obligation to the holder of vested right of the residual asset.

: This document evidences all of the entries made in the registry.

(〇〇地方法務局管轄)〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau.

〇〇年〇〇月〇〇日 Date
〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau   登記官 〇〇  Registrar’s name: 〇〇

Underlines indicate delated matters. Filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                   

一 信託の登記 1 法第98条第1項の権利の保存 (仮訳)土地を家族信託。建物を新築して表題部所有者は受託者とし、信託財産とする予定。受託者が信託行為で時期や価格などを間違えてしまい、建物を他の人に売って手付金を受け取った。権利登記は未だされていない。受益者に報告したところ、今は処分しなくても良いということで、受益者の求めに応じて原状回復した場合。

第十二 信託に関する登記
一 信託の登記
1 法第98条第1項の権利の保存 (仮訳)

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇字〇〇         全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters (建物):The building

表題部:The heading section
(建物の表示):The description of the building 調整
:The prepared 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
:The prepared date 不動産番号
:The real property number 12345567890123
:The location map number 余白:The blank

:The location 〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇  余白: The blank
: The building number ○○番 余白: The blank
①種類 :The type
:The structure ③床面積 ㎡
:The floor area 原因及びその日付
:The cause for recording and date thereof
【登記の日付】:The recording date
居宅 : The house 鉄筋コンクリート造陸屋根2階建
The reinforced concrete construction land roof two floors
1階 100 00
2階 100 00

所有者: The owner 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号 〇〇 〇〇: The name and address of owner

 権 利 部(甲区): The rights section (The section A)        (所有権に関する事項): Matters concerning the owner
:The rank number 登記の目的
:The purpose of recording 受付年月日・受付番号
:The recording date and number 【権利者その他の事項】
:The holder of rights and other particulars

:The preservation of ownership
第〇〇〇〇号 原因: When and for what cause ownership was acquired
平成〇〇年〇月〇日信託: The trust date
所有者: The name and address of owner
〇〇 〇〇
:The trust restoration of the trust property
余白: The blank 信託目録第何号:The inventory of trust number

The underlines indicate delated matters. The filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                  1/3
〇〇県〇〇市〇〇字〇〇         全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters (建物):The building

信託目録:The inventory of trust 調整: The prepared  余白:The blank
: The number 受付年月日・受付番号
: The recording date and number 予備:The preparation
: The number 1 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
第〇〇〇〇号 余白:The blank
1 委託者に関する事項
 :1 Matters concerning the settlor 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the settlor.
2 受託者に関する事項
:2 Matters concerning
the trustee 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the trustee.
3 受益者に関する事項等
: 3 Matters concerning
the beneficiary 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the beneficiary.
4 信託条項
:4 Trust clause 1、信託の目的: The purpose of trust
: maintain the real property of the trust
use the real property of the trust
dispose the real property of the trust

:the procedure to maintain the real property of the trust
the procedure to use the real property of the trust
the procedure to dispose the real property of the trust


: (1) The trustee may dispose the real property of the trust when he beneficiary or the beneficiary’s agent agree to disposition. Also, the trustee may choose dispose the real property of the trust when he/she accept dispose the real property of the trust.


: The trustee may set mortgage and registry of the mortgage in the real property of the trust in the following case (ア、イ、ウ) when the beneficiary or the beneficiary’s agent agree to it.

ア 信託不動産のためにする金銭の借入れのために、受益者または受託者を債務者とする場合
: The obligor, who is the beneficiary or trustee, loan money the real property of the trust.

イ 受益者が本信託設定以前において、信託不動産のために負担していた債務を担保するため、受益者を債務者とする場合。
: The obligor , who is the beneficiary, secure the obligation for the real property of the trust

ウ 信託費用が欠ける場合、信託費用等を補填するためにする金銭の借入のため、受託者を債務者とする場合。
: The obligor, who is trustee, loan for the cost of the trust.

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇字〇〇全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters (建物):The building

: The trustee may release of the mortgage and cancel the registration of the mortgage , which include ア、イ、and ウ.
3、信託の終了の事由 : The grounds for termination of the trust

: The grounds for termination of the trust are the following.

: (1) If the trustee and the beneficiary (or the beneficiary’s agent) agree to termination of the trust, the trust terminates.

: (2) If the grounds in the trust act occur, the trust terminates.

(1)受益権の処分の制限: restraint of disposition of the beneficiary right
受益者は、受託者の同意なく、その受益権の分割、放棄、譲渡、又は質入れその他の担保設定 を行うことができない。
    : The beneficiary must get consent from the trustee,
when the beneficiary split the beneficial interest
when the beneficiary waive the beneficial interest
when the beneficiary assign the beneficial interest to another
when the beneficiary pledge the beneficial interest.

(2)信託の変更 : Modification of the trust.
   : The trust may modify when the trustee and the beneficiary (or the beneficiary’s agent) agree to the modification.

(3)残余財産の帰属権利者 : The holder of vested right of the residual asset

  : The holder of vested right of the residual asset in the trust is the last beneficiary.

(4)清算手続の終了 : Termination of liquidation procedure of the trust.

   : The liquidation procedure in the trust by the trustee terminates when the trustee deliver over the all asset of the trust with all claim and obligation to the holder of vested right of the residual asset.

: This document evidences all of the entries made in the registry.

(〇〇地方法務局管轄)〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau
〇〇年〇〇月〇〇日 Date

〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau   登記官 〇〇  Registrar’s name: 〇〇
Underlines indicate delated matters. Filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                   3/3



「信託目録の理論と実務」渋谷陽一郎 (株)民事法研究会
「改訂版 信託登記の実務」信託登記実務研究会 日本加除出版(株)

一 信託の登記 1 法第98条第1項の権利の保存 (仮訳)土地を家族信託。受託者が建物を新築して、建物に所有権保存登記、受託者又は受益者が債務者となり新築費用を借入れたため、抵当権を設定した場合。

第十二 信託に関する登記
一 信託の登記
1 法第98条第1項の権利の保存 (仮訳)

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇字〇〇         全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters (建物):The building

表題部:The heading section
(建物の表示):The description of the building 調整
:The prepared 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
:The prepared date 不動産番号
:The real property number 12345567890123
:The location map number 余白:The blank

:The location 〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇  余白: The blank
: The building number ○○番 余白: The blank
①種類 :The type
:The structure ③床面積 ㎡
:The floor area 原因及びその日付
:The cause for recording and date thereof
【登記の日付】:The recording date
居宅 : The house 鉄筋コンクリート造陸屋根2階建
The reinforced concrete construction land roof two floors
1階 100 00
2階 100 00

所有者: The owner 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号 〇〇 〇〇: The name and address of owner

 権 利 部(甲区): The rights section (The section A)        (所有権に関する事項): Matters concerning the owner
:The rank number 登記の目的
:The purpose of recording 受付年月日・受付番号
:The recording date and number 【権利者その他の事項】
:The holder of rights and other particulars

:The preservation of ownership
第〇〇〇〇号 原因: When and for what cause ownership was acquired
平成〇〇年〇月〇日信託: The trust date
所有者: The name and address of owner
〇〇 〇〇
:The trust disposition of the trust property 余白: The blank 信託目録第何号:The inventory of trust number

The underlines indicate delated matters. The filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                  1/4

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇字〇〇         全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters (建物):The building

 権 利 部(乙区): The Rights Section (Section B)       (所有権以外の権利に関する事項): Matters concerning right except the owner
: :The rank number 登記の目的
: The purpose of recording 受付年月日・受付番号
: :The recording date and number 【権利者その他の事項】
: The holder of rights and other particulars
1 抵当権設定
:The establishment of mortgage 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
第〇〇〇〇号 原 因: The cause for recording
平成〇〇年〇月〇日金銭消費貸借:The loan for consumption date
同日設定:The establishment date
債権額 :The amount of the claim secured 金〇〇〇万円
利息: The Interest (年〇%年365日日割計算)
損害金:The amount of compensation for damage prescribed 
年〇〇% (年365日日割計算)
債務者:The name and address of obligor
〇〇 〇〇
抵当権者:The name and address of holder of rights

The underlines indicate delated matters. The filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                 2/4

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇字〇〇         全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters (建物):The building
信託目録:The inventory of trust 調整: The prepared  余白:The blank
: The number 受付年月日・受付番号
: The recording date and number 予備:The preparation
: The number 1 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
第〇〇〇〇号 余白:The blank
1 委託者に関する事項
 :1 Matters concerning the settlor 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the settlor.
2 受託者に関する事項
:2 Matters concerning
the trustee 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the trustee.
3 受益者に関する事項等
: 3 Matters concerning
the beneficiary 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the beneficiary.
4 信託条項
:4 Trust clause 1、信託の目的: The purpose of trust
: maintain the real property of the trust
use the real property of the trust
dispose the real property of the trust

:the procedure to maintain the real property of the trust
the procedure to use the real property of the trust
the procedure to dispose the real property of the trust

: (1) The trustee may dispose the real property of the trust when he beneficiary or the beneficiary’s agent agree to disposition.


: The trustee may set mortgage and registry of the mortgage in the real property of the trust in the following case (ア、イ、ウ) when the beneficiary or the beneficiary’s agent agree to it.

ア 信託不動産のためにする金銭の借入れのために、受益者または受託者を債務者とする場合
: The obligor, who is the beneficiary or trustee, loan money the real property of the trust.

イ 受益者が本信託設定以前において、信託不動産のために負担していた債務を担保するため、受益者を債務者とする場合。
: The obligor , who is the beneficiary, secure the obligation for the real property of the trust

ウ 信託費用が欠ける場合、信託費用等を補填するためにする金銭の借入のため、受託者を債務者とする場合。
: The obligor, who is trustee, loan for the cost of the trust.

: The trustee may release of the mortgage and cancel the registration of the mortgage , which include ア、イ、and ウ.
3、信託の終了の事由 : The grounds for termination of the trust

: The grounds for termination of the trust are the following.

: (1) If the trustee and the beneficiary (or the beneficiary’s agent) agree to termination of the trust, the trust terminates.

: (2) If the grounds in the trust act occur, the trust terminates.

(1)受益権の処分の制限: restraint of disposition of the beneficiary right
受益者は、受託者の同意なく、その受益権の分割、放棄、譲渡、又は質入れその他の担保設定 を行うことができない。
    : The beneficiary must get consent from the trustee,
when the beneficiary split the beneficial interest
when the beneficiary waive the beneficial interest
when the beneficiary assign the beneficial interest to another
when the beneficiary pledge the beneficial interest.

(2)信託の変更 : Modification of the trust.
   : The trust may modify when the trustee and the beneficiary (or the beneficiary’s agent) agree to the modification.

(3)残余財産の帰属権利者 : The holder of vested right of the residual asset

  : The holder of vested right of the residual asset in the trust is the last beneficiary.

(4)清算手続の終了 : Termination of liquidation procedure of the trust.

   : The liquidation procedure in the trust by the trustee terminates when the trustee deliver over the all asset of the trust with all claim and obligation to the holder of vested right of the residual asset.

: This document evidences all of the entries made in the registry.

(〇〇地方法務局管轄)〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau
〇〇年〇〇月〇〇日 Date

〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau   登記官 〇〇  Registrar’s name: 〇〇

Underlines indicate delated matters. Filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                   4/4


「信託目録の理論と実務」渋谷陽一郎 (株)民事法研究会
「改訂版 信託登記の実務」信託登記実務研究会 日本加除出版(株)

一 信託の登記 1 法第98条第1項の権利の保存 508(仮訳)受託者が土地の信託を受け、土地の上に建物を新築しました、の登記

第十二 信託に関する登記
一 信託の登記
1 法第98条第1項の権利の保存 508(仮訳)


〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇〇〇―〇         全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters. (土地):The land.
表題部:The heading section.
(土地の表示):The description of the land. 調整
:The prepared 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
:The prepared date 不動産番号
:The real property number 12345567890123
: The map number. A11―1 筆界特定
: The parcel boundary demarcation.       余白:The blank.
: The location. 〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇  余白: The blank.
①地 番
: The parcel number.
②地 目
:The land category
(Current state of the Land). ③地  積 ㎡
: The parcel area (area of the Land). 原因及びその日付
: The cause for recording and date thereof.
【登記の日付】:The recording date.

9999番3 宅地
: The presidential land. 100 00
:100.00㎡ ①9999番1から分筆
:Subdivision of the Parcel Number.9999-1
所有者: The owner.
〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号 〇〇 〇〇: The name and address of Owner.

 権 利 部(甲区): The rights section (The section A).        (所有権に関する事項): Matters concerning the owner.
: The rank number. 登記の目的
: The purpose of recording. 受付年月日・受付番号
: The recording date and number. 【権利者その他の事項】
: The holder of rights and other particulars.

: The preservation of ownership.
第〇〇〇〇号 原因: When and for what cause ownership was acquired.
平成〇〇年〇月〇日信託: The trust date.
所有者: The name and address of Owner.
〇〇 〇〇
:The trust. 余白: The blank. 信託目録第何号
: The inventory of trust number.

The underlines indicate delated matters. The filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                  

〇〇県〇〇市〇〇町〇〇〇〇―〇             全部事項証明書: The certification of all recording matters. (土地):The land.
信託目録:The inventory of trust. 調整: The prepared  余白:The blank.
: The number. 受付年月日・受付番号
: The recording date and number. 予備:The preparation.
: The number 1. 平成〇〇年〇月〇日
第〇〇〇〇号 余白:The blank.
1 委託者に関する事項
 : 1 Matters concerning the settlor. 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the settlor.
2 受託者に関する事項
:2 Matters concerning
The trustee. 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the trustee.
3 受益者に関する事項等
: 3 Matters concerning
The beneficiary. 〇〇市〇〇丁目〇番〇号
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the beneficiary.
〇〇 〇〇
: The name and address of the beneficiary’s agent.
4 信託条項
: 4 Trust clause. 1、信託の目的: The purpose of trust
: maintain the real property of the trust
use the real property of the trust
dispose the real property of the trust

:the procedure to maintain the real property of the trust
the procedure to use the real property of the trust
the procedure to dispose the real property of the trust

: (1) The trustee can choose his/her may suitable procedure and time about following.
maintenance of the real property of the trust
repair of the real property of the trust
improvement of the real property of the trust
disposition of the real property of the trust

: Also, the trustee may secure a lone with the real property of the trust. The kind of security interest is mortgage, revolving mortgage, or pledge. The obligor is beneficially or the person who is choose by beneficially.

: (2) If the registration of the preceding cause occur, the trustee promptly apply

3、受益権の処分の制限: restraint of disposition of the beneficiary right
: The beneficiary must get consent from the trustee,
when the beneficiary split the beneficial interest
when the beneficiary waive the beneficial interest
when the beneficiary assign the beneficial interest to another
When the beneficiary pledge the beneficial interest.


4、信託の変更 : Modification of the trust.
: The trust may modify when the trustee and the beneficiary (or the beneficiary’s agent) agree to the modification.

5、信託の終了 : Termination of the trust.

: The grounds for termination of the trust are the following.

: (1) If the trustee and the beneficiary (or the beneficiary’s agent) agree to termination of the trust, the trust terminates.

: (2) If the grounds in the trust act occur, the trust terminates.

6、残余財産の帰属権利者 : The holder of vested right of the residual asset

: The holder of vested right of the residual asset in the trust is the last beneficiary.

7、清算手続の終了 : Termination of liquidation procedure of the trust.

: The liquidation procedure in the trust by the trustee terminates when the trustee deliver over the all asset of the trust with all claim and obligation to the holder of vested right of the residual asset.

: This document evidences all of the entries made in the registry.

(〇〇地方法務局管轄)〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau.

〇〇年〇〇月〇〇日 Date
〇〇Legal Affairs Bureau   登記官 〇〇  Registrar’s name: 〇〇

Underlines indicate delated matters. Filing Number:00000000000 (1/1)                   3/3