Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
1.日 時:【総会開催日】【総会開催時刻】
1.Date and Time: [Date of General Meeting] [Time of General Meeting].
2.場 所:【本店所在場所】当会社本店会議室
2.Place: [Location of the head office] Conference room at the head office of the Company.
3.出 席 者:発行済株式の総数
3.Attendees: Total number of shares issued.
Number of shares issued: shares.
Total number of shareholders holding these voting rights.
Total number of shareholders.
Total number of voting rights.
Number of voting rights held by all shareholders.
Number of shareholders attending the meeting today (including those attending by proxy).
Total number of shareholders present.
Number of voting rights.
Number of voting rights of shareholders present at the meeting.
4.議 長:取締役 【現在の取締役・氏名】
4.Number of voting rights of shareholders present at the meeting.
5.出席役員:取締役 【現在の取締役・氏名】
5.Attending officers: Directors [Current directors and names].
取締役候補者 【新・代表取締役・氏名】
Candidate for Director [New Representative Director, Name].
6,Purpose of the meeting and outline of the proceedings and results.
The Chairperson of the meeting stated that this General Meeting of Shareholders was legally convened since there were enough shareholders present to constitute a quorum as stated above, and then proceeded to deliberate on the agenda.
第1号議案 定款一部変更の件
Proposition No. 1: Partial amendment to the Articles of Incorporation.
議長は、当会社の定款第○条「当会社に取締役が2人以上いるときは、取締役の互選によって代表取締役を定めるものとする」を「当会社の代表取締役は、株主総会によって定める」に変更したい旨を述べ、その理由を詳細に説明した。 議長がその賛否を議場に諮ったところ、満場一致をもってこれに賛成した。よって、議長は、定款は議長提案どおり変更された旨を宣した。
The Chair stated that he wished to change Article XX of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, “If the Company has two or more Directors, a Representative Director shall be determined by mutual election of the Directors,” to “The Representative Director of the Company shall be determined by a General Meeting of Shareholders,” and explained the reasons in detail.The Chair asked the floor for their approval or disapproval, and the vote was unanimous in favor of the change.
Therefore, the Chair declared that the Articles of Incorporation had been amended as proposed by the Chair.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).
第2号議案 代表取締役たる取締役選任の件
Proposal No. 2: Election of Directors as Representative Directors.
The Chairman stated that, in response to the approval of the previous proposition, he would like to elect the following person as a Director to represent the Company, and that the former Representative Director [Director A, name] shall no longer have the right of representation.
The vote was unanimously in favor of the proposal and the following election was made.
New Representative Director, Address.
代表取締役たる取締役 【新・代表取締役・氏名】
Director who is a representative director [New representative director, name].
The appointee immediately accepted the appointment at the meeting.
7.閉 会:議長は【総会閉会時刻】閉会を宣言した。
7. Closing: The Chair declared the meeting closed at the closing time of the General Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting are hereby prepared, and the name and seal of the person who prepared the minutes and the new Representative Director are hereby affixed to the minutes to indicate his acceptance of office.
[Date of General Meeting]
[Name of the company] Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.
議事録作成者 【取締役A・氏名】 (会社届出印)
Preparer of the minutes [Name of director] (Company registered seal)
新代表取締役 【新・代表取締役B・氏名】 (個人実印)
New representative director [Name of new representative director] (Personal seal).
Matters to be registered.
“Officer Matters.
“Qualifications” Director.
“Address” [New director’s address].
“Name” [New Director, Name.
Date of Cause” [Date of Assumption] Assumption.
“Matters Relating to Officers.
Representative Director.
Name of new representative director.
Name: Representative Director “Date of cause” [Date of appointment].