
Real Property Registration System
The real property (real estate) registration system differs in content depending on the country.
In Japan, land and buildings are treated as separate and distinct real property, and registration can also be made separately. This way of thinking and system are similar to those in Taiwan and South Korea, whereas buildings are considered attached to land and rights establishment, registration and transaction cannot be made for solely
buildings in Germany, France, the U.K., the U.S., Australia and other Western countries.
In addition, the indefeasibility of registration also varies depending on the country.
Here is a brief explanation of the real property registration system in Japan.


Real Property Registration System
About Real Property Registration
Real property registration is a system for land and buildings, being valuable property, in which the location and area, as well as the owners’ address and name, etc. are stated in a public book (registry) and such made open to
the public, thereby serving the role of making the rights relationship and other status clear to everyone and contributing to the safe and smooth conduct of transactions.
Pursuant to the Real Property Registration Act, there are nine types of rights that can be registered: ownership, superficies, farming right, servitude, statutory lien, pledge, mortgage, right of lease and right of quarrying.
Registrations cannot be made for right of possessory, right of common, right of retention and right of loan for use.
In Japan, land and buildings are treated as separate real property, and registration can also be made separately.
Effect of Registration
(1) Perfection
Acquisitions of, losses of and changes in real rights concerning immovable properties may not be asserted against third parties, unless the same are registered pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Real Property Registration Act and other laws regarding registration (Civil Code Article 177).
The order of priority of rights registered in relation to the same real property shall, unless otherwise provided for in laws and regulations, follow the chronological order of registration (Real Property Registration Act Article 4).
(2) Indefeasibility
A party who has engaged in a transaction of real property having trusted the description in the registration is entitled to acquire such rights under certain requirements even if the registered right holder does not seem to be the true right holder.
Indefeasibility does not apply to registration in Japan. Accordingly, no matter if real property is purchased from a registered right holder thinking that the registered right holder is the true owner, real property cannot be taken away from the true owner if there is a true owner.


Registry Offices
Registry offices are divided between those that conduct registration affairs using a computer system by preparing a registry on a magnetic disk (“computer-based offices”) and those that conduct registration affairs by keeping a registry in binder format in which land/building registration forms are organized in files (“book-based offices”).
(1) Computer-based offices
A registry is prepared on a magnetic disk. At computer-based offices, anyone can be issued a certificate of registered matters (document certifying the whole or part of the registered matters) and anyone can be issued a written outline of registered matters (document stating the outline of registered matters) by submitting a prescribed request form. This certificate of registered matters is the same content as a transcript or extract of a registry.
(2) Book-based offices
A registry, which organizes registration forms in files, consist of a land registry and a building registry. At bookbased offices, anyone can be issued a transcript or extract of a registry and anyone can inspect a registry by submitting a prescribed request form.

(1) コンピュータ庁
(2) ブック庁

Real Property Registration System
Registration Record (Registry)
A registration is made through the process in which a registrar records matters to be registered in a registry.
A registration record is prepared separately for the heading section and the rights section for each parcel (lot) of land or each building. Furthermore, the rights section is categorized into section A and section B, where matters to be registered in the registration of ownership are recorded in section A and matters to be registered
in the registration of rights other than ownership are recorded in section B.
(1) Matters to be recorded in the heading section
Land: Location, parcel number, land category (current state of land), parcel area (area of land), etc.
Building: Location, parcel number, building number, type, structure, floor area, etc.
(registration in the heading section referred to as “registration of description”)
For condominiums and other condominium units, there are cases in which the right to use the site of the building (right of site) is recorded. For the rights relationship concerning this right of site, public notice is given by registration in section A and section B of the condominium unit.
(2) Matters to be recorded in the rights section (section A)
Matters concerning the owner are recorded, showing who the owner is and when and for what cause (sale/purchase, inheritance, etc.) ownership was acquired (registration of transfer of ownership, provisional registration of ownership, seizure, provisional disposition, etc.).
(3) Matters to be recorded in the rights section (section B)
Matters concerning mortgage and other rights other than ownership are recorded (establishment of mortgage, establishment of superficies, establishment of servitude, etc.).

(1 ) 表題部の記録事項
(2 ) 権利部(甲区)の記録事項
(3 ) 権利部(乙区)の記録事項


Introduction, The application about registry of cancellation mortgage.

November, 2015
The MINISTRY OF JUSTICE・〇〇Legal Affairs Bureaus
[For 〇〇Banking]

The news
If you apply registry of cancellation mortgage, you may write the mortgagee’s (Including Financial Institution) Corporate Number in the application for registry from 2, November, 2015. (Note1)

So, you don’t append certificate of registered information of mortgagee’s representative.

Receipt by 30, October 2015, you shall append certificate of registered of information of Financial Institution’s representative.

Receipt from 2, November, 2015, you may write the Financial Institution’s Corporate Number. (Note2)

(Note1) Real Property Registration Order Cabinet Order No. 379 of December 1, 2004.Article 7 (1) (I) イ.
(Note2) The mortgagee’s Corporate Number is 1234567890123. 13 digits

Please look Legal Affairs Bureau’s home page if you want to know execution process about the application of registry of cancellation mortgage.

If you apply the application of registry, you shall append following 1, 2, and 3. If the mortgagee (Including Financial Institution) changes trade mark or the head office or both alteration, you shall append following 4.

1 The information certifying Cause of Registration (Including mortgagee execute rescission deed).

2 The power of attorney (The mortgagee execute power of attorney. For example, if you don’t write date of issue of 1 or 2 or both, you can’t registry. Please you hear mortgagee).

3 The Information for Registration Identification or Registration Certificate (You need the writing of registry mortgagee creation that the mortgagee issuance or provision ).

4 The alteration certificate (Including the mortgagee lent the closed registration record certificate or the closed registry copy).

You may instruct at your discretion Shiho-shoshi (Solicitor) to execute application about registry of cancellation mortgage.
You may instruct at your discretion Shiho-shoshi (Solicitor) to apply registry of cancellation mortgage application.

You may excuses Shiho-shoshi (Solicitor) in Shiho-shoshi (Solicitor) excursion page of Japan Federation of Shiho-shoshi Associations’ home page by the name or the place name.
You may get information of the office address and the name of the Shiho-shoshi (Solicitor).

The Shiho-shoshi Association implement registry consultation in the each
You may excuses the near Shiho-shoshi Association in Japan Federation of Shiho-shoshi Associations’ home page at Shiho-shoshi (Solicitor) general consultation center page. You may affirmance the date, the place, the process, the content, and the appointment of registry consultation by the page

Please look Legal Affairs Bureau’s home page if you want to know that you
apply registry to Legal Affairs Bureau’s.





The Teitouken of security real rights has contents of following.
The Teitoukensya take the security as the immovable property, the fixed right and the like from the obligor or the third party.
The Teitouken Setteisya can use and profit at the immovable property, the fixed right and the like that he provided. The Teitouken Setteisya’s owner ship isn’t transfer.
If the obligor go into default, the Teitoukensya have the right to receive the performance of his claim prior to other obliges out of the immovable properties.


The Teitouken secure identification claim.
The Neteitouken secure unspecified claim.


The Teitouken and the pledge effect caused by agreement of the party.
The Teitouken and the pledge are conventional security real rights.
The pledger should deliver over the subject matter to pledgee.
The Teitouken Setteisya can use and profit at the immovable property, the fixed right and the like that he provided.
The Teitoukensya have the right to receive the performance of his claim prior to other obliges.
The Teitouken is good means because it secure for the factory premise, the building and the like.
2008 有斐閣

根抵当権(試訳) The Revolving Mortgage


The relation between the bank and the other party, has continuing bargain as loan and performance. Their claim and the obligation are always changing by this bargain.


If the obligee creates the Teitouken to secure the specific claim by continual bargain relation.
The specific claim is determined by the obligor’s performance, then the Teitouken is determine. Because the Teitouken secure the specific claim.
The Teitouken is unusable because the Teitouken has to create once more when the claim effects.


So, The Teitouken need following.
Lots claim whose price and the number are changed by continuing bargain, set the limit price in advance, to secure fixed claim at future in maximum amount. ThisTeitouken is the Neteitouken.
The Neteitouken have important position in bargain.

If the special claim is determine, the Netetiouken isn’t determine.
Because the Neteitouken secure unascertained claim in the limit price.
2008 有斐閣