
Q&A about self-signed will testamentary keeping system

法務省HP (2020年7月2日閲覧)

Ministry of Justice HP


1 法務局(遺言書保管所)で遺言書の書き方を教えてくれますか。



Can you tell me how to write a will at the Legal Affairs Bureau (will 入力ミス? storage)?

We cannot respond to any inquiries regarding the writing of wills.

Regarding the style of wills, please read the precautions and prepare it yourself before visiting the office.

2 遺言書の様式について,用紙に模様があるのですが,申請可能ですか。


Regarding the form of the will, there is a pattern on the paper. Is it possible to apply?

If the pattern does not interfere with the reading of the characters, you can apply.

3 遺言書を何色か色分けして書いてもよいですか。


Is it possible to write the will in different colors?

Regarding the stored wills, heirs, etc. have a request for issuance of a will’s information certificate and inspection of the wills to confirm the contents. You can check the color coding by browsing the original and the monitor, but you cannot check the color coding because the wills information certificate is output in black and white. Therefore, when using this system, it is not recommended to create wills in different colors.

4 保管制度が開始する前に作成した遺言書でも 作成した遺言書が所定の様式(注意事項参照)に合うものであれば、預かってもらえますか。

 法務省ホームページ(hot p://www.moj.go.jp/MINJI/5minji03_00051.html)に掲載している様式をダウンロードして入力することで作成いただくことができます。なお、法務局(遺言書保管所)の窓口でも入手可能です。

If the testament that I created before the storage system started is compatible with the prescribed form (see notes), can you keep it?

You can create it by downloading and entering the form posted on the Ministry of Justice website (htt p://www.moj.go.jp/MINJI/5minji03_00051.html). It can also be obtained at the window of the Legal Affairs Bureau (will hot storage).

5 保管の申請をしたいのですが,遺言者本人が病気のため法務局(遺言書保管所)へ出頭できない場合はどうすればよいですか。


I would like to apply for storage, but what should I do if the testamentary person cannot report to the Legal Affairs Bureau (will-will storage) due to illness?

In that case, because you are obliged to appear. This system is not available. In addition, it is safe to have your attendant accompany you for assistance.

6 保管の申請時には,遺言書を封筒に入れたまま法務局(遺言書保管所)へ持参すればよいですか。


When applying for storage, should I bring the will to the Legal Affairs Bureau (will hot storage) while keeping it in an envelope?

Only the original will not be submitted at the time of application. No envelope required.

7 本人確認について,顔写真付きの身分証明書を所持していない場合はどうすればよいですか。


What should I do if I don’t have an identification card with a face photo?

Since you are required to appear as a person, it is necessary to present an identification card with a face photo because it is necessary to prevent impersonation. For example, anyone can obtain a My Number Card, so please consider it.

8 保管の申請の手数料について、保管年数に応じて手数料も増えるのですか。


Does the storage application fee increase according to the number of years of storage?

The storage application fee will be a fixed amount (3,900 yen per will) when applying, regardless of the number of years of storage thereafter.

9 手数料納付のための収入印紙はどこで購入すればよいですか。


Where can I purchase a revenue stamp for paying fees?

Each Notification Legal Affairs Bureau (Will not storage) Sold at the sales counter for revenue stamps in the government building or the post office near you. For details, please contact the Legal Affairs Bureau (will not storage) where you plan to apply/claim.

10 遺言書を法務局(遺言書保管所)に預けたことを家族に伝えておいた方がよいですか。


Should I inform my family that I have deposited the will to the Legal Affairs Bureau (will not storage)?

If you tell your family (who can be an heir) that you have deposited it at the Legal Affairs Bureau (will not storage), your family will smoothly perform a request procedure for a will not information certificate after the inheritance starts. can do. It is sure to use the storage certificate.

11 保管証を紛失した場合には,再発行可能ですか。


Is it possible to reissue the storage certificate if it is lost?

Please keep it in a safe place as a storage certificate cannot be reissued. Note that other procedures will be smoother if you have a storage certificate, but you can still do it if you do not have a storage certificate.

12 保管の申請の撤回を行った場合に、その遺言は無効に怠るのですか。


If I withdraw my request for storage, will I fail to nullify the will?

The withdrawal of the application for storage of wills means that it will stop depositing wills at the Legal Affairs Bureau (will storage), and is not related to the effect of the will.

13 遺言書の閲覧をしたいのですが,遺言書が保管されている法務局(遺言書保管所)が遠方の場合もその法務局(遺言書保管所)へ行かなければなりませんか。


I would like to browse the wills, but if the legal bureau where the wills are stored (will storage) is far away, do I have to go to that legal bureau (will storage)?

As a method of viewing wills. In addition to viewing the original wills, you can also view the wills using a monitor. If you use the monitoring method, you can view the information at any legal affairs office (will storage) anywhere in the country.

14 遺言書情報証明書等の交付に遺言書情報証明書を取得したいのですが,自分で法務局(遺言書保管所)へ行かなければなりませんか。

 保管の申請の場合(Q6 )と異なり、遺言書情報証明書等の交付については、ご自身で法務局(遺言書保管所)の窓口に出向いて請求するほか、郵送による請求や、法定代理人による手続も可能です。なお、保管の申請書や請求書等の書類については司法書士等にその作成を依頼することができます。

I would like to browse the wills, but if the legal bureau where the wills are stored (will storage) is far away, do I have to go to that legal bureau (will storage)?

As a method of viewing wills. In addition to viewing the original wills, you can also view the wills using a monitor. If you use the monitoring method, you can view the information at any legal affairs office (will storage) anywhere in the country.

15 遺言書情報証明書はどのような手続に使用できますか。


What kind of procedure can I use the wills information certificate?

We assume that you will use a will information certificate for inheritance registration procedures and various procedures at banks that required the original wills until now.

16 家族(相続人)は法務局(遺言書保管所)に保管されている遺言書を返却してもらうことができますか。


Is it possible for the family (inheritor) to return the wills stored in the Legal Affairs Bureau (will storage)?

Regarding the wills stored in the Legal Affairs Bureau (will storage), even family members (inheritors) cannot be returned. To confirm the contents, please request the issuance of a will information certificate or browse the will.

17 予約せずに直接法務局(遺言書保管所)に行った場合には申請を受け付けてもらえますか。


If I go directly to the Legal Affairs Bureau (will storage) to make a reservation, can you accept the application?

As a rule, reservations are required for various applications and requests. If you come to the agency without making a reservation, you may have to wait a long time, or you may not be able to complete the procedure on that day.

18 自筆証書遺言を作成したら必す法務局(遺言保管所)に預けなければならないのですか。


Do I have to deposit the self-signed certificate will at the required legal bureau (will test depository) when I create it?

This system will increase the option to keep wills related to autograph deeds wills at the Legal Affairs Bureau (will as a rule storage), and you can also keep them at home etc. as before.

19 自筆証書遺言と公正証書遺言のどちらを選べばよいですか。


Should I choose between a self-signed will and a notarized will?

Please refer to the pamphlet for the main features of the testamentary will and the notarized will. Please note that it is up to you to decide which one to choose, and the Legal Affairs Bureau (will-will storage) cannot answer.



法務省HP 2020年6月17日閲覧

第3 電子証明書の取得


  • 添付書面情報作成者が印鑑提出者でない場合
  • 添付書面に市町村の印鑑証明書が必要とされているもの・添付書面に認証者の認証が必要とされている場合の,認証者に関するもの


・「Cybertrust iTrust Signature Certification Authority」




・「GlobalSign CA 2 for AATL」






  • 取締役会を開催して議事録を作成する。
  • 作成された議事録をPDF化して、1人の取締役が、各取締役のメールアドレスを記載し、サービス提供者に送る。
  • サービス提供者は、各取締役のメールアドレスにPDF化された取締役会議事録を閲覧することが出来るURLを送信する。
  • 各取締役は、内容を確認後に押印(ワードの文字入り図形のようなもの)する。
  • 全ての取締役の押印が完了したら、サービス提供者が電子署名及び認証業務に関する法律による電子署名(オプションとしてタイムスタンプもある)を行う。
  • サービス提供者は、自社のクラウド(データセンター・サーバー)に取締役会議事録を保存し、各取締役が確認、保存出来る状態にする。


  • 企業から、取締役会議事録とサービス提供者の電子証明書が、メールか印刷された形で提出される。
  • 確認後、他に必要な情報があれば作成・収集し、押印か電子署名を求める。委任状には、企業が電子署名及び認証業務に関する法律による電子署名による電子署名を行う。
  • 申請用総合ソフトを使用して登記申請する。




例 官報の場合(縦書き)





株式会社○○ 代表取締役 ○○



プラス 株主名簿上の株主に対する通知(同じ内容)。





(株券を発行する旨の定款の定めの廃止)(Abolition of Provisions of Articles of Incorporation That Share Certificates Be Issued)

第二百十八条 株券発行会社は、その株式(種類株式発行会社にあっては、全部の種類の株式)に係る株券を発行する旨の定款の定めを廃止する定款の変更をしようとするときは、当該定款の変更の効力が生ずる日の二週間前までに、次に掲げる事項を公告し、かつ、株主及び登録株式質権者には、各別にこれを通知しなければならない。

Article 218 (1) If a Share Certificate-Issuing Company intends to effect an amendment to the articles of incorporation to abolish provisions of the articles of incorporation to the effect that it issues share certificates for its shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, shares of all classes), it must give public notice of the following matters, and give separate notice thereof to each shareholder and each Registered Pledgee of Shares no later than two weeks prior to the day on which such amendment to the articles of incorporation takes effect:

一 その株式(種類株式発行会社にあっては、全部の種類の株式)に係る株券を発行する旨の定款の定めを廃止する旨

(i) a statement to the effect that the Stock Company abolishes the provisions of the articles of incorporation to the effect that it issues share certificates for its shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, shares of all classes);

二 定款の変更がその効力を生ずる日

(ii) the day on which the amendment to the articles of incorporation will take effect; and

三 前号の日において当該株式会社の株券は無効となる旨

(iii) a statement to the effect that the share certificates of such Stock Company become invalid on the day provided for in the preceding item.

2 株券発行会社の株式に係る株券は、前項第二号の日に無効となる。

(2) Share certificates representing the shares of a Share Certificate-Issuing Company become invalid on the day provided for in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph.

3 第一項の規定にかかわらず、株式の全部について株券を発行していない株券発行会社がその株式(種類株式発行会社にあっては、全部の種類の株式)に係る株券を発行する旨の定款の定めを廃止する定款の変更をしようとする場合には、同項第二号の日の二週間前までに、株主及び登録株式質権者に対し、同項第一号及び第二号に掲げる事項を通知すれば足りる。

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in cases where a Share Certificate-Issuing Company that does not issue share certificates for any of its shares intends to effect an amendment to the articles of incorporation to abolish provisions of the articles of incorporation to the effect that it issues share certificates for its shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, shares of all classes), it is sufficient to notify the shareholders and Registered Pledgees of Shares of the matters listed in item (i) and item (ii) of that paragraph no later than two weeks prior to the day provided for in item (ii) of that paragraph.

4 前項の規定による通知は、公告をもってこれに代えることができる。

(4) A public notice may be substituted for the notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

5 第一項に規定する場合には、株式の質権者(登録株式質権者を除く。)は、同項第二号の日の前日までに、株券発行会社に対し、第百四十八条各号に掲げる事項を株主名簿に記載し、又は記録することを請求することができる。

(5) In the cases provided for in paragraph (1), pledgees of shares (excluding Registered Pledgees of Shares) may, no later than the day immediately preceding the day provided for in item (ii) of that paragraph, demand that the Share Certificate-Issuing Company state or record the matters listed in each item of Article 148 in the shareholder register.


(株券の提出に関する公告等)(Public Notice in Relation to Submission of Share Certificate)第二百十九条 株券発行会社は、次の各号に掲げる行為をする場合には、当該行為の効力が生ずる日(第四号の二に掲げる行為をする場合にあっては、第百七十九条の二第一項第五号に規定する取得日。以下この条において「株券提出日」という。)までに当該株券発行会社に対し当該各号に定める株式に係る株券を提出しなければならない旨を株券提出日の一箇月前までに、公告し、かつ、当該株式の株主及びその登録株式質権者には、各別にこれを通知しなければならない。ただし、当該株式の全部について株券を発行していない場合は、この限りでない。

Article 219 (1) In cases where a Share Certificate-Issuing Company carries out an act listed in the following items, it must, more than one month prior to the day when such act takes effect (in cases of performing the act listed in item (iv)-2, the Acquisition Day prescribed in Article 179-2, paragraph (1), item (v); hereinafter the day is referred to as the “Share Certificate Submission Day”), give public notice to the effect that share certificates representing the shares provided for in each of such items be submitted to such Share Certificate-Issuing Company before the Share Certificate Submission Day, and a separate notice to such effect to each shareholder and each Registered Pledgee of Shares thereof; provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where the Share Certificate-Issuing Company does not issue share certificates for any of its shares:

一 第百七条第一項第一号に掲げる事項についての定款の定めを設ける定款の変更 全部の株式(種類株式発行会社にあっては、当該事項についての定めを設ける種類の株式)

(i) amendments to the articles of incorporation to create provisions of the articles of incorporation with respect to the matters listed in Article 107, paragraph (1), item (i): All shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the class shares that have provisions with respect to such matters);

二 株式の併合 全部の株式(種類株式発行会社にあっては、第百八十条第二項第三号の種類の株式)

(ii) consolidation of shares: All shares (or, for a Company with Class Shares, the class shares under Article 180, paragraph (2), item (iii));

三 第百七十一条第一項に規定する全部取得条項付種類株式の取得 当該全部取得条項付種類株式

(iii) acquisitions of Shares Subject to Class-Wide Call provided for in Article 171, paragraph (1): Such Shares Subject to Class-Wide Call;

四 取得条項付株式の取得 当該取得条項付株式(iv) acquisitions of Shares Subject to Call: Such Shares Subject to Call;

四の二 第百七十九条の三第一項の承認 売渡株式

(iv)-2 approval set forth in Article 179-3, paragraph (1): Shares Subject to the Cash-Out;五 組織変更 全部の株式

(v) Entity Conversion: All shares;

六 合併(合併により当該株式会社が消滅する場合に限る。) 全部の株式(vi) Merger (but only if the Stock Company disappears in the merger): All shares;

七 株式交換 全部の株式

(vii) Share Exchanges: All shares;

八 株式移転 全部の株式(viii) Share Transfers: All shares.

2 株券発行会社が次の各号に掲げる行為をする場合において、株券提出日までに当該株券発行会社に対して株券を提出しない者があるときは、当該各号に定める者は、当該株券の提出があるまでの間、当該行為(第二号に掲げる行為をする場合にあっては、株式売渡請求に係る売渡株式の取得)によって当該株券に係る株式の株主が受けることのできる金銭等の交付を拒むことができる。

(2) In cases where a Share Certificate-Issuing Company performs the acts listed in the following items, if a person fails to submit the share certificates to the Share Certificate-Issuing Company by the Share Certificate Submission Day the person specified in each of those items may refuse to deliver Monies, etc. to the shareholders of the shares pertaining to the share certificates by that act (in cases of performing acts listed in item (ii), acquisition of Shares Subject to Cash-Out pertaining to Demand for Cash-Out) until the share certificates are submitted:

一 前項第一号から第四号までに掲げる行為 当該株券発行会社

(i) acts listed in the items (i) through (iv) of the preceding paragraph: the Share Certificate-Issuing Company;

二 第百七十九条の三第一項の承認 特別支配株主

(ii) approval set forth in Article 179-3, paragraph (1): Special Controlling Shareholders;三 組織変更 第七百四十四条第一項第一号に規定する組織変更後持分会社

(iii) Entity Conversion: Membership Company after Entity Conversion prescribed in Article 744, paragraph (1), item (i);

四 合併(合併により当該株式会社が消滅する場合に限る。) 第七百四十九条第一項に規定する吸収合併存続会社又は第七百五十三条第一項に規定する新設合併設立会社

(iv) merger (but only if the Stock Company disappears in the merger): the Company Surviving the Absorption-type Merger as prescribed in Article 749, paragraph (1) or the Company Incorporated in the Consolidation-type Merger as prescribed in Article 753, paragraph (1);

五 株式交換 第七百六十七条に規定する株式交換完全親会社

(v) Share Exchange: The Wholly Owning Parent Company Resulting from the Share Exchange as prescribed in Article 767; and

六 株式移転 第七百七十三条第一項第一号に規定する株式移転設立完全親会社

(vi) share transfer: The Wholly Owning Parent Company Incorporated in a Share Transfer as prescribed in Article 773, paragraph (1), item (i).

3 第一項各号に定める株式に係る株券は、株券提出日に無効となる。

(3) Share certificates representing the shares provided for in each item of paragraph (1) become invalid on the Share Certificate Submission Day.

4 第一項第四号の二の規定による公告及び通知の費用は、特別支配株主の負担とする。(4) The cost of public notice and notice pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), item (iv)-2 is paid by the Special Controlling Shareholder.














  • 議事録に、出席者の音声が即時に他の出席者全員に伝わり、相互に適時的確な意見表明が可能な仕組みとなっていることを確認した。」のような文を入れること[2]
  • 取締役会をzoomなどで行うのであれば、取締役会議事録もデジタルで作成可能な環境を作って、必要な人には紙で渡せるようにすることだと思います。

[1] 登記研究662号p171

[2] 会社法369条4項ほか


Registration of the limited liability company
Trade Name 合同会社横浜菓子本舗
Godo-kaisha Yokohamakashihonpo
Location of the Head Office 横浜市戸塚区戸塚町20番地
Method of Public Notice 官報に掲載してする
Public notice of this Company shall be given in the Official Gazette
The date of the incorporation of the company 平成19年10月1日
October 1, 2007
Business Purpose 1 和菓子の製造販売
1, Production and selling of Wagashi
2 上記に附帯する一切の事業
2, To act any and all lawful purposes incidental to the purposes set forth above.
Capital 金500万円
JY 5,000,000
The names of the Company’s Members, and the names and addresses of the Company’s Representative Members and the representative in Japan are;
The member who execute the business
Kounosyouji Kabushiki-kaisha
Th e member who execute the business
山田 太郎
Taro Yamada
Representative Member
Kounosyouji Kabushiki-kaisha
Executive Manager 
田中 次郎
Jiro Tanaka
Registration Record
October 1, 2007 Recording