Option Private Module
' HTTP通信用定義。
Sub E_Gav(eType As Long, Article As Long, Plus As Long, Item As Long, f As UserForm)
Dim objXMLHttp As Object, XMLstr As String, str As String, tx As String, Bodystr As String, V(20), n(20)
Dim i As Long, num As Long, tmp As String, ArtStr As String, KakkoFlg As Long
Set objXMLHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
objXMLHttp.Open "GET", E_URL(eType, Article, Plus, ArtStr)
For i = 1 To 500000
If objXMLHttp.readyState = 4 Then Exit For
If i = 500000 Then MsgBox "ネット接続がありません": Exit Sub
XMLstr = objXMLHttp.responseText
f.Title = E_StrSearch(XMLstr, "ArticleCaption")
For i = 1 To 20
n(i) = E_NoSearch(XMLstr, "Paragraph", i)
If n(i) = 0 Then n(i) = E_NoSearch(XMLstr, "Paragraph Hide=""false""", i)
If n(i) = 0 Then n(i) = Len(XMLstr)
For i = 1 To 20
If n(i + 1) = n(i) Then Exit For
For j = n(i) To n(i + 1)
tmp = Mid(XMLstr, j, 1)
If tmp = ">" Then
flg = True
ElseIf tmp = "<" Then
flg = False
End If
If flg And tmp <> ">" And tmp <> " " Then
V(i) = V(i) & tmp
End If
V(i) = Replace(V(i), vbLf, "\")
V(i) = Replace(V(i), vbCrLf, "\")
V(i) = Replace(V(i), vbCr, "\")
V(i) = Replace(V(i), "\" & "\" & "\" & "\", "\")
V(i) = Replace(V(i), "\" & "\" & "\", "\")
V(i) = Replace(V(i), "\" & "\", "\")
If Left(V(i), 1) = "\" Then V(i) = Mid(V(i), 2)
If Right(V(i), 1) = "\" Then V(i) = Mid(V(i), 1, Len(V(i)) - 1)
If IsNumeric(Left(V(i), 1)) Then V(i) = Mid(V(i), 2)
If Left(V(i), 1) = "\" Then V(i) = Mid(V(i), 2)
V(i) = Replace(V(i), "\", "<Br>")
tx = "<b>" & f.Controls("OptionButton" & eType).Caption & ArtStr & "</b><Br>"
For i = 1 To 20
If V(i) <> "" Then
If i = Item Then tx = tx & "<FONT COLOR=#0000DD>"
tx = tx & "<b>【第" & i & "項】</b>" & "<Br>" & V(i) & "<Br>"
If i = Item Then tx = tx & "</FONT>"
End If
KakkoFlg = 0
For j = 1 To Len(tx)
tmp = Mid(tx, j, 1)
If tmp = "(" Or tmp = "(" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#777777>("
KakkoFlg = KakkoFlg + 1
ElseIf tmp = ")" Or tmp = ")" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & ")</FONT>"
KakkoFlg = KakkoFlg - 1
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 1) = "。" And KakkoFlg = 0 Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<b>。</b>"
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 2) = "場合" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#009900>場合</FONT>"
j = j + 1
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 2) = "とき" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#009900>とき</FONT>"
j = j + 1
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 2) = "除く" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#FF3366>除く</FONT>"
j = j + 1
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 2) = "及び" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#FF9900>および</FONT>"
j = j + 1
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 3) = "並びに" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#FFCC00>並びに</FONT>"
j = j + 2
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 2) = "又は" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#FF9900>又は</FONT>"
j = j + 1
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 4) = "若しくは" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#FFCC00>若しくは</FONT>"
j = j + 3
ElseIf Mid(tx, j, 3) = "ただし" Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & "<FONT COLOR=#FF0000><b>ただし</b></FONT>"
j = j + 2
ElseIf InStr("一二三四五六七八九十百千", tmp) > 0 Then
num = E_number(num, tmp)
ElseIf num <> 0 Then
Bodystr = Bodystr & num & tmp
num = 0
Bodystr = Bodystr & tmp
End If
With f.WebBrowser1
.Navigate "about:blank"
.Document.Write "<HTML>"
.Document.Write "<HEAD>"
.Document.Write "<font size=""3"" face=""Meiryo UI"">"
.Document.Write Replace(Bodystr, "_未", "<FONT COLOR=red>_未</FONT>")
.Document.Write "</BODY>"
.Document.Write "</HTML>"
.Document.Body.Style.overflow = "hidden"
End With
End Sub
Function E_number(n As Long, tmp As String)
Select Case tmp
Case "一"
E_number = n + 1
Case "二"
E_number = n + 2
Case "三"
E_number = n + 3
Case "四"
E_number = n + 4
Case "五"
E_number = n + 5
Case "六"
E_number = n + 6
Case "七"
E_number = n + 7
Case "八"
E_number = n + 8
Case "九"
E_number = n + 9
Case "十"
buf = n Mod 10
If buf = 0 Then buf = 1
E_number = Int(n / 100) * 100 + buf * 10
Case "百"
buf = n Mod 10
If buf = 0 Then buf = 1
E_number = Int(n / 1000) * 1000 + buf * 100
Case "千"
buf = n Mod 10
If buf = 0 Then buf = 1
E_number = Int(n / 10000) * 10000 + buf * 1000
End Select
End Function
Function E_NoSearch(XMLstr As String, str As String, no As Long) As Long
E_NoSearch = InStr(XMLstr, "<" & str & " Num=""" & no & """>")
End Function
Function E_StrSearch(XMLstr As String, str As String) As String
Dim wLen As Long, wStartPoint As Long, wEndPoint As Long
wLen = Len(str)
wStartPoint = InStr(XMLstr, "<" & str & "") + wLen + 2
wEndPoint = InStr(XMLstr, "</" & str & ">")
If wEndPoint - wStartPoint < 1 Then Exit Function
E_StrSearch = Mid(XMLstr, wStartPoint, wEndPoint - wStartPoint)
End Function
Function E_URL(Typ As Long, Article As Long, Plus As Long, ArtStr As String) As String
Dim ArtUrl As String, LawUrl As String, TmpRng As Range
Select Case Typ
Case 1
LawUrl = encodeURL("明治二十九年法律第八十九号")
Case 2
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十六年法律第百二十三号")
Case 3
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十六年政令第三百七十九号")
Case 4
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十七年法務省令第十八号")
Case 5
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十七年法律第八十六号")
Case 6
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十七年法律第八十七号")
Case 7
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十八年法務省令第十二号")
Case 8
LawUrl = encodeURL("昭和三十八年法律第百二十五号")
Case 9
LawUrl = encodeURL("昭和三十九年法務省令第二十三号")
Case 10
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十九年法律第二十二号")
Case 11
LawUrl = encodeURL("昭和二十五年法律第百九十七号")
Case 12
LawUrl = encodeURL("昭和二十二年法律第二百二十四号")
Case 13
LawUrl = encodeURL("昭和二十二年司法省令第九十四号")
Case 14
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十八年法律第百八号")
Case 15
LawUrl = encodeURL("平成十九年法務省令第四十一号")
Case 16
LawUrl = encodeURL("昭和三十二年法律第二十六号")
End Select
For i = 1 To 9999
If Cells(1, i) = "" Then Set TmpRng = Cells(1, i): Exit For
TmpRng.FormulaR1C1 = "=NUMBERSTRING(" & Article & ",1)"
ArtStr = "第" & TmpRng.Value & "条"
If Plus <> 0 Then
TmpRng.FormulaR1C1 = "=NUMBERSTRING(" & Plus & ",1)"
ArtStr = ArtStr & "の" & TmpRng.Value
End If
TmpRng.Value = ""
ArtUrl = encodeURL(ArtStr)
E_URL = "https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/api/1/articles;lawNum=" & LawUrl & ";article=" & ArtUrl
End Function
Function encodeURL(ByRef str As String) As String
For i = 1 To 9999
If Cells(i, 1) = "" Then Set TmpRng = Cells(i, 1): Exit For
TmpRng.FormulaR1C1 = "=ENCODEURL(""" & str & """)"
encodeURL = TmpRng.Value
TmpRng.Value = ""
End Function
#pdfminer. Pdfinterp.converter. ・・・pdfファイルからテキストを抽出する。#PDFResourceManager・・・抽出したテキストを管理。LAParams・・・pdfファイルの構造を保持する機能を提供。PDFPage・・・1ページずつ取得。
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
#input_path =‘ファイル名.pdf’。pdfファイルを入れる。
input_path = 'page000001_00269.pdf'
output_path = 'result.txt'
manager = PDFResourceManager()
with open(output_path, "wb") as output:
with open(input_path, 'rb') as input:
with TextConverter(manager, output, codec='utf-8', laparams=LAParams()) as conv:
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(manager, conv)
for page in PDFPage.get_pages(input):
Sub StrDifEmphasis()
Const Str1StartSetCell As String = "A2" ' 文字列1の開始セルの設定セルを指定
Const TargetCountSetCell As String = "B2" ' 対象行数の設定セルを指定
Dim Str1StartCell As String '文字列1の開始セル
Dim targetCount As Integer '対象行数
Str1StartCell = ActiveSheet.Range(Str1StartSetCell).Value '文字列1の開始セルを取得
targetCount = ActiveSheet.Range(TargetCountSetCell).Value '対象行数を取得
Dim rowCount As Integer ' 行数のカウンター
' 対象行走査ループ。文字列1の開始セルから終了セル(対象行数分下)までループ
For rowCount = 1 To targetCount
' 頻繁に使用する箇所を変数化(コードを短く且つ冗長性を排除するため)
Dim str1cell As Range ' 文字列1セル
Dim str2cell As Range ' 文字列2セル
Dim resultCell As Range ' 結果セル
Dim str1 As String ' 文字列1の値
Dim str2 As String ' 文字列2の値
Set str1cell = ActiveSheet.Range(Str1StartCell).Offset(rowCount - 1, 0)
Set str2cell = ActiveSheet.Range(Str1StartCell).Offset(rowCount - 1, 1)
Set resultCell = ActiveSheet.Range(Str1StartCell).Offset(rowCount - 1, 2)
str1 = str1cell.Value
str2 = str2cell.Value
resultCell.Value = ""
str1cell.Font.Color = vbBlack
str2cell.Font.Color = vbBlack
' 2つの文字列が異なる場合にのみ処理を行う
If str1 <> str2 Then
' 結果セルにメッセージを設定
resultCell.Value = "改正"
Dim maxLen As Integer ' 2つの文字列の長い方の文字数
' 2つの文字列の長い方の文字数を設定
If Len(str1) > Len(str2) Then
' 文字列1の方が長いため、文字列1の文字数を設定
maxLen = Len(str1)
' 文字列2の方が長いため、文字列1の文字数を設定
' (文字数が同じ場合もこの処理。str1で行っても同じ)
maxLen = Len(str2)
End If
Dim charCount As Integer ' 比較用文字数カウンター
' 文字比較ループ。大きいほうの文字列の文字数だけループ
For charCount = 1 To maxLen
Dim char1 As String '文字列1から抽出した1文字
Dim char2 As String '文字列2から抽出した1文字
Dim isChar1Under As Boolean ' 文字列1の文字数内か否か
Dim isChar2Under As Boolean ' 文字列2の文字数内か否か
If charCount <= Len(str1) Then
char1 = Mid(str1, charCount, 1)
isChar1Under = True
char1 = ""
isChar1Under = False
End If
If charCount <= Len(str2) Then
char2 = Mid(str2, charCount, 1)
isChar2Under = True
char2 = ""
isChar2Under = False
End If
' 相違している文字を赤色に変更
If char1 <> char2 Then
If isChar1Under Then
str1cell.Characters(Start:=charCount, Length:=1).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
If isChar2Under Then
str2cell.Characters(Start:=charCount, Length:=1).Font.Color = vbRed
End If
End If
End If
MsgBox ("終了")
End Sub
Sub 法人番号()
Dim CorpName As String
Dim i As Long
Dim arr As Variant
For i = 2 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
CorpName = Cells(i, 2)
On Error Resume Next
arr = CorpCode(URL_Encode(CorpName))
Cells(i, 3) = arr(4)
Cells(i, 4) = arr(9)
Cells(i, 5) = arr(12)
Cells(i, 6) = arr(13)
Cells(i, 7) = arr(14)
Next i
End Sub
Function CorpCode(CorpName As String) As String()
Dim objXMLHttp As Object
Dim tmp
Set objXMLHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
objXMLHttp.Open "GET", "https://api.houjin-bangou.nta.go.jp/4/name?id=■■■ID■■■&type=02&mode=2&name=" & CorpName, False
tmp = Split(Replace(objXMLHttp.responseText, """", ""), ",")
CorpCode = tmp
End Function
このリクエストはJScript で書かれている。UTF-8に基づいて文字列を出力する。
Function URL_Encode(ByVal strOrg As String) As String
With CreateObject("ScriptControl")
.Language = "JScript"
URL_Encode = .CodeObject.encodeURI(strOrg)
End With
End Function
一般の社会生活において現代の日本語を書き表すための漢字使用の目安である常用漢字は約2千文字です。一方で、約2千文字では専門的な内容を伝えにくい等の社会の要請があります。そこで、これまで文字の JIS 規格が整備されてきており、現在は、1万字程度となっています。これは、日常的に用いられるパソコン、スマートフォン、タブレット等において標準的に扱える文字になります。
IPAmj明朝フォントは、人名の表記等で、細かな字形の差異を特別に使い分ける必要のある業務等での活用を想定したフォントです。また、同フォントを十分に活用するためには、対応したアプリケーションソフトが必要となります。通常の文書作成等では、JIS X 0213:2012に準拠したIPAexフォントのご利用をお勧めします。
日本のアパレル企業であるCompany Yは、ベトナム企業であるCompany Xから繊維製品の購入を予定している。当該取引に際して、 Company Yは、Company Xとの間で、販売契約(基本契約)を締結する予定である。
問題 1 (販売契約における個別契約の成立)
Article ● Master agreement and Individual Agreements
1. This Agreement specifies the basic terms of the sales of the products of Company X, which apply to the individual transaction agreements entered into through consultation between the parties (the “Individual Agreements”), and Company X and Company Y shall comply with and perform in good faith both this Agreement and the Individual Agreements.
2. Company X and Company Y may, in the Individual Agreements, exclude some of the terms specified in this Agreement, or specific terms that differ from those of this agreement.
3. Company Y submits to Company X, at least 60 days in advance of Company Y’sdesired delivery date, an order form (in Company X’s designated format) specifying the order date, product name, unit price, order volume, delivery date, delivery location, method of payment and other details based on the inquiries by Company Y.However, Company X may refuse to accept an Individual Agreement submitted my order form at its own discretion based on its production status.
問題 1 (販売契約における個別契約の成立)
Company Yとして販売契約(基本契約)中の以下の個別契約の成立に関する条項をよりよいものにするにはどのようにしたらよいでしょうか?
Article ● Master agreement and Individual Agreements
1. This Agreement specifies the basic terms of the sales of the products of Company X, which apply to the individual transaction agreements entered into through consultation between the parties(the “Individual Agreements”), and Company X and Company Y shall comply with and perform in good faith both this Agreement and the Individual Agreements.
2. Company X and Company Y may, in the Individual Agreements, exclude some of the terms specified in this Agreement, or specific terms that differ from those of this Agreement. Where the terms of an Individual Agreement differ from those of this Agreement, the terms of the IndividualAgreement will prevail.
3. Individual Agreements will be executed upon Company X’s provision of an order receipt company Y following Company Y’s submission, [at least 60 days in advance of Company Y’sdesired delivery date, ]of an order form (in Company X’s designated format) specifying the order date, product name, specifications, unit price, order volume, delivery date, delivery location, method of payment and other details based on the inquiries by Company Y. [However, CompanyX may refuse to accept an Individual Agreement submitted my order form at its own discretion based on its production status.
1. Company Y shall inspect the Products delivered by Company X (“Inspection”) without delay within ten days after delivery of the Products in accordance with Article.
2. Company Y shall send to Company X a receipt (for Products that pass the Inspection provided for in 1 of this Article) or a notice (regarding Products in which shortfall is discovered) within 2 business days after the delivery of the Products. However, if Company X does not receive such notice (regarding Products in which shortfall or the like is discovered) from Company Y within 2 business days after the delivery of the Products, then it will be deemed that all of the delivered Products passed the Inspection.
3. If a shortfall or surplus is discovered upon Inspection as provided for in 1 of this Article, Company X shall deliver the remaining Products or reclaim the surplus Products within the period specified by Company Y.
4. Company Y may accept delivery of Products that fail the Inspection provided for in 1 of this Article but that Company Y considers usable (“Special Acceptance”).
問題2 (販売契約における検収)
Company Yとして販売契約(基本契約)中の以下の検収に関する条項をよりよいものにするにはどのようにしたらよいでしょうか?
Article ● Inspection and Acceptance
1. Company Y shall inspect the Products delivered by Company X (“Inspection”) based on the criteria designated by Company Y, including determining whether the Products meet the quality criteria provided for in the Article without delay within ten days after delivery of the Products in accordance with Article.
2. Company Y shall send to Company X a receipt (for Products that pass the Inspection provided for in 1 of this Article) or a notice (regarding Products in which a defect, the shortfall is discovered) within 2 business days after the delivery of the Products. [However, if Company X does not receive such notice (regarding Products in which shortfall or the like is discovered) from Company Y within 2 business days after the delivery of the Products, then it will be deemed that all of the delivered Products passed the Inspection.]
3. If a shortfall or surplus is discovered upon Inspection as provided for in 1 of this Article, Company X shall deliver the remaining Products or reclaim the surplus Products within the period specified by Company Y; if a malfunction, defect, deterioration, or the like is discovered in the Products, COMPANY X shall repair or replace the Products at no cost to COMPANY Y within the period specified by COMPANY Y.
4. Company Y may accept delivery of Products that fail the Inspection provided for in 1 of this Article but that Company Y considers usable (“Special Acceptance”).
1. If Company Y discovers that the Products delivered to it by Company X are soiled, broken, or otherwise defective, Company Y may request the following after notifying Company X of such defect, unless the Products have been damaged due to gross negligence on the part of Company Y after delivery:
(i) Sorting and repair of the defective Products Company Y may instruct Company X to sort and repair the defective Products.
(ii) Payment of sorting and repair expenses for the defective Products If Company Y sorts and repairs the defective Products itself or through a third party, Company Y may charge Company X for the parts, work, and other expenses necessary with respect thereto.
2. If Company X requests that the defective Products be returned, the parties shall consult regarding how to carry out such return.
問題 3 (販売契約における瑕疵担保責任)
Company Yとして販売契約(基本契約)中の以下の瑕疵担保責任に関する条項をよりよいものにするにはどのようにしたらよいでしょうか?
Article ● Liability for defects
1. If Company Y discovers that the Products delivered to it by Company X are soiled, broken, or otherwise defective within the warranty period provided for in Article, Company Y may request the following after notifying Company X of such defect, unless the Products have been damaged due to gross negligence on the part of Company Y after delivery; if it is unclear to which of the parties the defect in the Products is attributable, the parties will determine liability through consultation:
(i) Delivery of replacements
Company Y may request that Company X deliver replacements for the defective Products
(ii) Sorting and repair of the defective Products
Company Y may instruct Company X to sort and repair the defective Products.
(iii) Payment of sorting and repair expenses for the defective Products
If Company Y sorts and repairs the defective Products itself or through a third party, Company Y may charge Company X for the parts, work, and other expenses necessary with respect thereto.
(iv) Reduction of price of the defective Products
Company Y may reduce the price of the defective Products in accordance with the written agreement with CompanyX.
2. Company X shall compensate Company Y for any damage incurred by Company Y due to a defect in the Products within the warranty period provided for in Article.
3. If Company X requests that the defective Products be returned, the parties shall consult regarding how to carry out such return.
1. Company X shall pay for the Parts within 7 days after the Acceptance.
2. Company X shall make the payment for the Parts to Company X on a US dollar basis by T/T Remittance.
問題 4 (部品有償供給における支払)
Company Yとして、Company Xへの部品の有償供給の支払方法に関するライセンス契約中の以下の条項をよりよいものにするにはどのようにしたらよいでしょうか?
Article ● Payment Terms
1. Company X shall pay for the Parts as follows:
a. Company X shall pay 20% of the total purchase price of the Parts in a Purchase Order, within 7 days from the acceptance of that Purchase Order by Company Y.
b. Company X shall pay 60% of the total purchase price of the Parts in a Purchase Order before the shipment of the Parts in a Purchase Order.
c. Company X shall pay the balance of the purchase price of those Pats within 7 days after the Acceptance.
2. Company X shall make the payment for the Parts to Company X on a US dollar basis by T/T Remittance.
Article ● Representations and warranties by Company Y represents and warrants that:
1. The manufacture of the Products does not infringe the rights, including patents, of any other person in any country within the;
2. Company Y or its contract manufacturer has all the approvals, licenses and permits from the Regulatory Authority in Japan required to manufacture the Products (Company Y and its contract manufacturer shall immediately discontinue the manufacture of the Products if any such approval, license, or permit is suspended, expired or withdrawn); and
3. The manufacturing facilities of Company Y or its contract manufacturer located at the site where the Products will be manufactured have all approvals required by the Regulatory Authorities for the manufacture of the Products and such manufacturing facilities and practices used in the facilities conform to, and shall continue, during the term of this Agreement, to conform to Laws of Japan.
問題 5 (ライセンス契約における保証範囲)
Company Yとしてライセンス契約中の以下の保証範囲に関する条項をよりよいものにするにはどのようにしたらよいでしょうか?
Article ● Representations and warranties by Company Y represents and warrants that:
1. To Company Y’s knowledge, The manufacture of the Products does not infringe the rights, including patents, of any other person in any country within the;
2. Company Y or its contract manufacturer has all the approvals, licenses, and permits from the Regulatory Authority in Japan required to manufacture the Products (Company Y and its contract manufacturer shall immediately discontinue the manufacture of the Products if any such approval, license, or permit is suspended, expired or withdrawn); and
3. The manufacturing facilities of Company Y or its contract manufacturer located at the site where the Products will be manufactured have all approvals required by the Regulatory Authorities for the manufacture of the Products and such manufacturing facilities and practices used in the
facilities conform to, and shall continue, during the term of this Agreement, to conform to Laws of Japan.
4. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THE ARTICLE●, COMPANY Y MAKES NO WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCE, NOR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES MADE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Company Y’s warranties under this Article are not applicable if the Products are modified, altered, or otherwise changed without the prior written consent of Company Y.
In the event that any development or improvement as to the Products, (“Improvement”) are made solely by Company X or jointly by Company X and Company Y hereto, Company X shall promptly disclose to Company Y such Improvement, together with any pertinent technical information and data.
問題 6 (ライセンス契約における改良技術)
Company Yとしてライセンス契約中の以下の改良技術に関する条項をよりよいものにするにはどのようにしたらよいでしょうか?
Article ● Improvement
In the event that any development or improvement as to the Products, (“Improvement”) are made solely by Company X or jointly by Company X and Company Y hereto, Company X shall promptly disclose to Company Y such Improvement, together with any pertinent technical information and data, and (i) grant to Company Y a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual right and license to utilize such Improvement, as applicable and (ii)
upon Company Y’s request, promptly assign and transfer to Company Y, with reasonable charge, the Improvement or Company X’s share in the Improvement. If Company Y makes any application for a patent and/or any intellectual property rights regarding such Improvement, Company X shall provide to Company Y such assistance as requested by Company Y at the cost of Company Y.