

Articles of association

第1章  総  則

Chapter 1 General rules 

(商 号)Trade Name

第1条 当会社は、【商号】と称する。

1st article   The company calls a [trade name].

(目 的)(Business Purpose )

第2条 当会社は、次の事業を営むことを目的とする。





2nd article   The company aims at performing the following enterprise.

 1. Enterprise about …

 2. Enterprise about …

 3. Enterprise about …

 4. In addition, all lawful enterprises.

(本店の所在地)(Location of a head office)

第3条 当会社は、本店を【本店所在場所】に置く。

3rd article   The company establishes a head office in a [head office whereabouts place].

(公告方法)(The public notice method)

第4条 当会社の公告は、官報に掲載してする。

4th article  The publish and use a public notice of this company as an official gazette.

   第2章  社員及び出資

Chapter 2 Employee and Investment


(The price and responsibility for an employee’s name, an address, and investment)

第5条 社員の名称及び住所並びに出資の価額は、次のとおりである。

5th article  An employee’s name, an address, and the price of investment are as follows.

【社員A・住所】[Employee A ‘san address]

社 員  【社員A・名称】   金【出資金額】円

Shrine Member [Employee name ]

 [The amount of investment] yen.

② 当会社の社員は、全て有限責任社員とする。

(2) All the employees of this company are taken as a limited partner.

(社員の加入)(An employee’s subscription)

第6条 新たに社員を加入させるには、総社員の同意を得なければならない。

6th article  In order to make an employee newly join, you have to obtain all the employees’ consent.

(合併による持分の承継)(Succession of the share by merger)

第7条 当会社の社員が合併により消滅した場合には、当該社員の吸収合併存続会社は、持分を承継して社員となることができる。

7th article  When the employee of this company disappears by merger, the merger surviving company of the employee concerned can inherit the share, and can become an employee.

   第3章  業務の執行及び会社の代表

Chapter 3 Execution of Business, and Representative of Company

(業務執行社員及び代表社員)(A managing partner and a representative partner)

第8条 当会社の業務執行社員及び代表社員は、【社員A・名称】とする。

8th article   The managing partner and representative partner of this company are taken as [employee A’s name].

(職務執行者)(Execution-of-the-duties person)

第9条 業務執行社員が法人である場合は、当該社員の職務を行うべき者を1名以上選任しなければならない。

9th article   When a managing partner is a corporation, the corporation have to assign those one or more who should perform the job of the employee concerned.

   第4章  計  算

 Chapter 4 Total Calculation

(事業年度)(Accounting period)

第10条 当会社の事業年度は、毎年【事業年度】とする。

10th article  The accounting period of this company is taken as a [accounting period] every year.

   第5章  附  則

Chapter 5 附    Schedule

(設立時の資本金の額)(Frame of the capital at the time of establishment)

第11条 当会社の設立時の資本金の額は、金【資本金の額】円とする。

11th article   Let the frame of the capital at the time of establishment of this company be  [frame of capital] yen.

(最初の事業年度)(The first accounting period)

第12条 当会社の最初の事業年度は、当会社設立の日から【事業年度終了日】でとする。

12th article  The accounting period of the beginning of this company is taken as from the day of these incorporation procedures to a [date of closing accounting period].

(定款に定めのない事項)(Matter which does not have a law in articles of association)

第13条 本定款に定めのない事項については、すべて会社法その他の法令の規定するところによる。

13th article   Call at the place which company law and other statutes specify altogether about the matter which does not have a law in these articles of association.


As mentioned above, in order to establish a [trade name], I create these articles of association and an employee attaches his name and seal to the next.

【定款作成日付】[With an articles-of-association creation date]

社 員 
 【社員A・名称】Shrine   Member    [Employee A’s name ]

代表取締役 【社員A・代表者氏名】 (印)

Representative director [Employee A and representative name] (mark) 


As mentioned above, [the attorney-in-fact and the name] which is the above-mentioned employee’s articles-of-association creation attorney-in-fact create and carry out the e-signature of these articles of association which are electromagnetic records for [trade name] establishment.

 【定款作成日付】[With an articles-of-association creation date]


The above-mentioned employee’s articles-of-association creation attorney-in-fact.

【代理人・住所】[An attorneyan ‘s ana ddress]

【代理人・氏名】[An attorney ‘s name]